With Bitcoin standing firm above $50,000, more investors are drawn to crypto trading with the hope of growing their wealth. Futures trading, a mature tool that has the potential to multiple investments, naturally becomes one of the most sought-after ways. Tim Leung, a fresh graduate, spotted the potential of Bitcoin as early as January 2020 and took a leap of faith. “People around me had been talking about cryptocurrency for a while as early as in 2017, but I didn’t really get it and thought it was just a joke,” said Leung. “Then the big rally came, taking Bitcoin to almost $20,000. Almost all of my friends earn money from it, and of course, I regretted not investing in Bitcoin sooner. But as we all know, the rally only lasted so long and not everyone was smart enough to pull out at the right time. So the small guys got crushed, and many of my friends swore to never touch Bitcoin again.” While many people lost faith during the plummet, some discovered ways to make money. Leung i...